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November 11, 2023雅思作文真题直击 | | 栏目推送说明每场雅思考试之后,第一时间分享本场考试雅思A类大作文的范文权威解析。欢迎每周锁定。本期作者:王瑜2023年12月9日雅思大作文题目The leaders or directors of organizations are often older people. But some people say that young people can also be a leader. To what extent do you agree or disagree?组织的领导或主管通常是老年人。但是有些人说年轻人也可以成为领导者。你在多大程度上同意或不同意?文章结构分析:第一段:开启背景第二段:分析年轻人在组织领导力上的优势第三段:分析年轻人较于老年人在领导力上的弱势第四段:表明立场范文及解析IntroductionWhileseniorityhas long beenextolled asa virtue for organizationalleadership,skepticsmay argue that younger leaders areequallydeserving of consideration.解析解析:虽然资历长期以来一直被誉为组织领导的一种优点,但持怀疑态度的人可能会认为,年轻的领导者同样值得考虑。❖ seniority 资历n.❖ be extolled as 被誉为❖ leadership 领导力 n.❖ skeptics 怀疑论者❖ equally 同样 adv.Body 1Youth creativity is a major source ofskepticism, and itraises a fundamental questionabout how an organization should be run. Rather than beingperpetually vulnerabletocunning biases or prejudices, younger generation are more likely tothrow authority out of the doorandeliminate hierarchy, thusearning trustthat allows their leadership to riseorganically. More importantly, positive changes and evennew pathswould crystalize. TheForum of Young Global Leaders, for instance, has established a five-year program foryoung elitesin the fields of business, fashion design, and refugee base to test their most innovative solutions—which their morecautiousolder counterparts might be willing to overlook.解析年轻人的创造力是怀疑的主要来源,它提出了一个关于组织应该如何运作的根本问题。年轻一代不会永远受到狡猾的偏见的影响,他们更有可能将权威排除在外,消除等级制度,从而赢得信任,从而使他们的领导力有机地上升。更重要的是,积极的变化,甚至新的道路将会具体化。例如,全球青年领袖论坛(Forum of Young Global Leaders)为商业、时装设计和难民基地领域的年轻精英设立了一个为期五年的项目,以测试他们最具创新性的解决方案,而这些解决方案可能是他们更为谨慎的年长同行们愿意忽视的。❖ skepticism 怀疑 n.❖ raises a fundamental question 提出根本问题❖ perpetually vulnerable 永远受到影响❖ cunning 狡猾的❖ biases or prejudices 偏见❖ throw authority out of the door 将权威排除在外❖ eliminate hierarchy 消除等级制度❖ earn trust 赢得信任❖ organically 有机地❖ new paths 新的道路❖ crystalize 具体化显现 v.❖ Forum of Young Global Leaders 全球青年领袖论坛❖ young elites 年轻精英❖ cautious 谨慎的Body 2Though seemingly arosyprospect,hailingthe young in anindiscriminatemanner couldbackfire. Having a relatively shorttenureand inadequatelife wisdom, some young leaders mayexhibit a propensityformockingolder generations’ideas and ideals, rather thanbeing tunedin to senior employees’goals and aspirations. Theupshotof this could be diminishingmorale, further hindering the leader fromexercisinghis or herinfluence. Another potential riskpertainsto pragmaticism. When handling internal or external disputes,technocratswith years of experience inmultidisciplinary fields, for instance, typically provideevidence-based solutions. However, we could reasonablyassumethat thistime-honoredmerit is too distant for the younger generations.解析虽然前景看起来很美好,但不加区分地为年轻人欢呼可能会适得其反。由于任期相对较短,生活智慧不足,一些年轻的领导者可能会表现出嘲笑老一辈人的想法和理想的倾向,而不是关注资深员工的目标和愿望。这样做的结果可能会降低士气,进一步阻碍领导者发挥他或她的影响力。另一个潜在的风险与实用主义有关。例如,在处理内部或外部争端时,在多学科领域具有多年经验的技术官僚通常会提供基于证据的解决方案。然而,我们可以合理地认为,这种时间沉淀而来的优点对年轻一代来说不太可能获得。❖ rosy 美好的❖ hail 赞美❖ indiscriminate 不加区分的❖ backfire 适得其反❖ tenure任期❖ life wisdom 生活智慧❖ exhibit a propensity 展现倾向做某事❖ mock 嘲笑❖ ideas and ideals 想法和理想❖ being tuned in 关注❖ goals and aspirations 目标和愿望❖ upshot 结果❖ morale 士气❖ exercise influence 发挥影响力❖ pertains to 与有关❖ technocrats 技术官僚❖ multidisciplinary fields 多学科领域❖ evidence-based solutions 基于证据的解决方案❖ assume 认为❖ time-honored 时间沉淀的ConclusionTo conclude, theconvictionthat first-time managers may not outcompete with elderly counterparts wouldmiss the point. Instead, the highlight should be one’sprerequisiteabilities and desirable new skills that determine whether this youthful management couldcome into play.解析总而言之,认为首次担任经理的人可能不会胜过年长的同行的观点是错误的。相反,重点应该是一个人的必备能力和令人满意的新技能,这决定了这种年轻的管理是否能发挥作用。❖ conviction 观点❖ miss the point 未能理解事物核心❖ prerequisite 必备能力❖ come into play 发挥作用wangqituijian

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